Category: Education

  • Following the Media – 1/5/11

    After a week of relative calm, thanks in large part to the holidays, the pace of this issue is about to get settled. Everyone may be calling it a marathon, but the speed is becoming more like a 5k. State Elections Coordinator, Mark Goins, responding to a request from Shelby County Election Commission Chair Bill…

  • Following the Media – 1/4/11

    The three biggest things happening today involve three Mayors, and a query from the Shelby County Elections Commission. First, both County Mayor Luttrell and City Mayor Wharton are getting ready for a transition, whatever that transition may be. Its not clear what power either of the Mayors have to help craft any kind of transition…

  • Following the Media – 1/3/11

    With the new year comes a new member of the Memphis City School Board, Sara Lewis. Lewis has been quoted as being staunchly against the surrender resolution. There’s been a great deal of speculation as to how her arrival on the board will change the political dynamics going forward. We’ll see. The Shelby County School…

  • Following the Media – 12/24/2010 through 1/2/11

    The Christmas and New Year’s break brought a bit of a respite to the whole school debate. No sense in trying to report things when many government offices are closed and people are on vacation. This is the quiet before the storm, enjoy it. There’s been a little bit of noise over the past several…

  • Following the Media – 12/23/10

    Just three days since the vote for a referendum on the MCS and things are starting to move. First, the MCS board met today to approve the minutes of the December 20th vote. This ensures that all the t’s are crossed and the i’s dotted. The folks who brought you the anti-Metro Charter group are…

  • Following the Media – 12/22/10

    Monday’s vote left a lot of questions that still have to be addressed going forward, and today’s news articles reflect that. First of all, what about the kids? This is a question that we won’t be able to answer until the issue is resolved at the ballot box and in the courts. In terms of…