Just three days since the vote for a referendum on the MCS and things are starting to move.
First, the MCS board met today to approve the minutes of the December 20th vote. This ensures that all the t’s are crossed and the i’s dotted.
The folks who brought you the anti-Metro Charter group are pulling together to oppose the surrender referendum. Even though they don’t have a vote on the matter, they’re still against it, and trying to link the previous issue to the current. Really, the two couldn’t be more different.
Arlington is talking about the possibility of starting their own municipal school district if the referendum is successful. I say go for it. If they’re willing to take on the addition tax liability to support a system, that’s up to them. Somehow, I don’t think they’ve thought this through all the way.
Finally, County Commissioner Chism is calling for a quick transition, should the referendum be successful. Personally, I don’t see this happening as there will likely be a great deal of litigation after the vote.
The Schools Front: Timing & Calendars
Letter from the Editor
Chism: Transition to New School System Should Be Quick
Anti-consolidation activist launches online fight against merger of Memphis and Shelby County schools
Current School Debate Brings Host of Issues
Arlington considers creation of municipal school district
MCS Board Member Warns of Lawsuits
MCS Board Argues “Dots” Before Approving Surrender Minutes
Merging the School Districts
Legislators In Nashville Set To Deal With City/County School Consolidation Issue
MCS board blasted during meeting to approve minutes
MCS Votes to Approve Charter Minutes
MCS Board Approves Minutes to Surrender Charter
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