Tag: Congress
The Trump Cabinet – Rise of the Oligarchs
As a new Administration prepares to take power, the incoming Cabinet is set to be the least experienced, most partisan, and conflict filled in US history.
The Oliver Twist Act
Yesterday, the House Government Operations Committee recommended passage of HB0261 aka The Oliver Twist Act. The bill, if passed and signed by the Governor, would reduce payments to families on certain government assistance if their child does not meet state educational standards. Yes, there are provisions for intervention, including tutoring and parent-teacher conferences, but that…
A Little Resolution, A Lot of Cold Comfort – #voteshelby
As I’ve noted in my last two posts, the business of the Shelby County Election Commission has been about as easy to pick through as high density, double reinforced concrete. There’s so little information available, and the information that is available is plain useless. So I decided to spend 3 hours of my day sitting…
Thank you Senator Reid
I’ve had some issues with the leadership in the Congress since they took control last January. Eventually, they figured out a way to work their respective legislative bodies in a way that is mostly in tune with the sentiment of Democrats, but it has, at times been a struggle, as Senator Harry Reid points out…
Free Ride
The filing deadline in Tennessee has come and gone, and now we know who’s running, and in some cases, who’s not. The Tennessee Bush Dogs are on their way to re-election, some with less opposition than others. Lincoln Davis has drawn a Democratic Primary opponent. I’ll be keeping an eye on that race. Jim Cooper…