Tag: WW Herenton

  • What 2019 Holds for Memphis and Beyond…

    What 2019 Holds for Memphis and Beyond…

    What does 2019 hold for Memphis and Shelby County? Here’s s a look at some of the big things that are on the table this year.

  • Media Maelstrom: Context is Key

    Media Maelstrom: Context is Key

    Its funny how just a few words, reported without a whole lot of context, can drive perceptions about a news story. Such is the case in the coverage of former Memphis Mayor Herenton’s speech at Mayor Strickland’s prayer breakfast last weekend.

  • Crazy is as Crazy Does

    Well, you can’t say the past week has been boring! Thinking about yesterday’s events (video and comments from other blogs follow) I am reminded of something I said in passing several years ago about “retirement”. Until recently, I could never imagine myself retiring. I always just assumed that I would work until I died. Until…

  • Maybe He Was Lonely

    Several outlets have reported the Herenton has pulled a petition to run for Mayor, just weeks after retiring. Maybe he was lonely…(NSFW) Team America – I’m So RoneryUploaded by Videogeezer – Watch more comedy videos and sitcoms. Here’s his statement as reported in the CA “My primary political goal is to represent the ninth congressional…

  • Process and Precedent – Completing the Term(oil)

    All the talk and media coverage surrounding what the Mayor will or won’t do, and why he’s doing it is designed to sell papers more than inform. This thing has turned into something that more resembles a TMZ report than anything else, which is unfortunate because there is a real substantive story here, if only…

  • Dissecting Mayoral Resignation

    Today the Memphis City Council will vote to approve the minutes of the meeting from earlier in the month. This will officially declare a vacancy in the office of Mayor, if the minutes are approved, without an official letter of resignation. This legally tenuous footing is possibly made more tenuous by the way the charter…