Tag: Metro Government

  • Metro Charter Commission Commentary – The Legislative Body- Part 3

    In my last two posts I talked about representation levels, and some of the plusses and minuses of greater direct representation in the legislative body that may come of a Metro Government. As we look at this, the question becomes, “How do we find the right fit for Shelby County?” Let’s consider some facts about…

  • Metro Charter Commission Commentary – The Legislative Body- Part 2

    Back in August the Memphis Daily News penned an editorial about the current Metro Government discission. In that editorial it recommended: The legislative body proposed in a metro charter should not under any circumstances number more than the 13 positions now on the City Council or County Commission. The commission represents the entire county with…

  • Metro Charter Commission Commentary – The Legislative Body – Part 1

    One of the biggest points of contention facing the Metro Charter Commission is likely going to be that of establishing the legislative branch of the resulting government. As I noted in a previous post, the make-up of the legislative bodies for cities that have a “Metro” form of government is diverse, ranging from 19 to…

  • Charter Commission Meeting Cancelled

    From Matt Kuhn, Policy Advisor to Mayor Joe Ford: The Charter Commission meeting scheduled tonight for 4 pm will be CANCELLED and rescheduled for Thursday Jan 14th at 4 pm in the 4th floor Commission Committee room in the County Building 160 N. Main. There is, however, some good news, despite the cancellation due to…

  • Metro Charter Commission Meeting – 12/17/09

    Last night, the Metro Charter Commission met for the fourth time. From looking at the agenda one might conclude that it was going to be a barn burner with topics such as the fate of the two school districts, annexation, and Constitutional officers on the agenda. While the meeting was interesting, a barn burner it…

  • Be a Part of the Conversation

    Back in August, before the Metro Charter Commission was formed, I wrote a post about having a “frank and actionable discussion” about government. Yesterday, at Shelby Farms, I was pleased to participate in the launch of an organization whose mission is to help foster that discussion. Rebuild Government, organized by Brian Stephens, seeks to build…