Tag: Joe Brown
Profiles in Cowardice
Backing off his support of the CLERB isn’t the first time the Mayor lost his backbone at the last second Monday, the Memphis City Council met with key stakeholders to finalize a draft ordinance that would give additional oversight of the Memphis Police Department. The Citizen Law Enforcement Review Board, an entity that has existed…
Groundhog Day for Shelby County Democrats
Thursday night’s election results are disappointing in a lot of ways. But they should also serve as a wakeup call…much like they did in 2010. We had some candidates that were a drag on the ticket. Many candidates didn’t run effective (or any campaigns). Most didn’t raise enough money to be effective (or in some…
Stupid, stupid, stupid
One of the things about working the 3rd shift, is that you’re often greeted with tomorrow’s news today…or at least the news most people didn’t see before they decided to disconnect from the constant influx of news items, large and small, that we’ve come to accept. So it was with both surprise and resignation that…
‘Bangers, Budgets and Bosses…a week in Memphis
So it was kind of a weird week in Memphis. That’s not unusual I guess, but the way things worked out leaves a couple of bad tastes in my mouth…so, I’ve taken to writing aging for now. ‘Bangers Open carry is one of those things the NRA and groups like it have been pushing just…
Face hates nose…AKA the continuing saga of the #membudget
Noses are funny. Often the most noticed facial feature…next to the eyes, noses are also one of the most complained about things people have on their face. My nose, is what I affectionately call a “3 finger nose”…meaning, from my face to the tip is three fingers long. You can see it below. Noses, such…