Category: Education

  • Following the Media – 1/13/11

    Today was yet another in a long list of confusing days for those following the current events regarding the MCS situation. The three big topics that dominated the news today were: Legislation proposed by State Sen. Mark Norris, a “compromise” between MCS and SCS, and an impending election date.

  • The “Agreement” and Other Sundries

    So, yesterday was a hot one. I’ll get to all that in a minute, but first I want to deal with some of the sundries. First of all, I’ve been working my fingers off trying to keep the information and media page up to date. There are so many stories, and so many repeat stories…

  • Following the Media – 1/11/11

    Things are getting even more confusing. First, Sen. Mark Norris is planning a bill that would require a countywide vote. He plans to ram this bill through the first week of the legislature, which is normally just an opportunity for committee assignments to be made and new members to figure out which bathroom is closest…

  • Following the Media – 1/8/11 – 1/10/11

    The two biggest events for these three days had to do with endorsements and AG opinions. First, the opinion. The State Attorney General confirmed what just about everyone except Bill Giannini and Mark Goins knows, that this is a vote that must take place in the City only. Either way, they successfully delayed the process…

  • Following the Media – 1/7/11

    Today saw the arrival of the campaign. Citizens for Better Education held a rally at the Shelby County Administration building. The rally was pretty well attended by media, elected officials, and regular citizens despite being held at 11am on a weekday. A petition was circulated, in response to questions about who could call for, and…

  • Following the Media – 1/6/11

    The crazy continues… For whatever reason, Elections Coordinator Mark Goins is sticking to his guns on the whole, City Council must approve any School Board referendum, when there’s plenty of settled law that says otherwise. If the City Council had to approve things like this, they would have taken over the schools some time ago,…