Following the Media – 1/5/11

After a week of relative calm, thanks in large part to the holidays, the pace of this issue is about to get settled. Everyone may be calling it a marathon, but the speed is becoming more like a 5k.

State Elections Coordinator, Mark Goins, responding to a request from Shelby County Election Commission Chair Bill Giannini, has ruled that the Memphis City Council must approve any referendum request from the MCS board. Balderdash!

Yesterday it was revealed that former Memphis Mayor Willie Herenton had a transition plan put together in 2005 for Memphis and Shelby County Schools. The unedited interview is linked below.

I know people are about sick of the former Mayor popping his head up from time to time, but he may actually have some constructive input on this issue, despite his overall toxicity on the political front. Of course, the media has a duty to report such things, and that it comes from someone that can drive ratings as well as Herenton is just a bonus.

Despite the coverage, there’s not much chance that his plan will be given any weight, considering the political realities, even if it is a good plan (which I’m in no position to make a judgement about at this time).

To Take a Stand … or Not
State elections chief: City Council must OK school charter referendum
Referendum on surrendering MCS charter delayed
State Election Coordinator Says City Council Action Must Precede Charter-Surrender Referendum
Memo: Memphians Concerned with Money, Not Kids
Herenton Unedited Interview
School Consolidation: Tipton County’s Experience
2008 study explores impact of school consolidation
No Election Date Yet For MCS Charter Surrender
Council Unhappy About Charter Involvement
Referendum on surrendering MCS charter delayed
Chism Tells Wharton Not To Try And Influence County Commission on Consolidation
School Charter Showdown: Election Commission defers setting date for referendum
Shelby County Election Commission Postpones Setting Election Date for School Charter Issue
Sounding Off on the School Charter Latest
Election Coordinator Halts Charter Vote
Thomas: Chattanooga paper supports MCS charter surrender






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