Monday’s vote left a lot of questions that still have to be addressed going forward, and today’s news articles reflect that.
First of all, what about the kids? This is a question that we won’t be able to answer until the issue is resolved at the ballot box and in the courts. In terms of what schools the kids go to and whatnot, there probably won’t be a change. Curriculum on the other hand will likely take a little longer as books have been bought, and they’re on a schedule. Integrating that part of the schools is not so much a technical challenge as it is a timing challenge.
The Shelby County School Board hunkered down with their attorneys to see what the could do. This should surprise no one.
Of course, there are a lot of questions that need to be answered. Many of those questions will have to be answered in the courts due to the unique way the City Schools are chartered. Not all the questions will be answered in a timely manner, but hopefully, most of them will.
Memphis School Board to Allow Consolidation Vote – Education Week
A Timely Moment to Consider Inequality and Child Outcomes – Imig
Schools dazed: Shelby County system begins preparations for crafting megadistrict
Wendi C. Thomas: Memphis schools charter vote puts kids first
Schools debate must put students first
New debates surface as MCS board votes to surrender charter
Shelby County school board to hold closed meeting with attorney to discuss charter issue
Elected Officials Ponder Future of MCS
Election Commission gets official notice from Memphis school board requesting referendum
City and County Mayors Brace for Changes
Grassroots movement emerges amid school charter questions
Voters Want Answers Before They Decide Whether to Consolidate Schools
Sounding Off on Surrendering the Charter
Bombshell – Cover Story @ Memphis Flyer
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