City Council Meeting Tuesday, 7/21/2009 at 3:30

Yes kids, that’s right, it’s time for another City Council Meeting. Even though I’m not in Memphis, I’ll be able to follow along with the fun via the intertubes (assuming the connection at this hotel in Jersey isn’t a piece of crap). I’ll be live tweeting the meeting on my twitter acct. Vibinc under the hashtag #memcc0721.

There are a lot of things on the agenda, but the thing that may be the most contentious is at the very top of the list, the approval of the minutes from July 7th.

For those of you not following along, that meeting, which I covered here featured an exchange between the majority of the Council, who sought to declare a vacancy in the Mayor’s office without a letter of resignation or retirement, and a very vocal minority of the Council, led in emotion, if nothing else by Janis Fullilove, who sought to let the Mayor leave before taking any action.

Both courses are sketchy.

I’ll delve further into that “sketchiness” in my next post. (I’m such a tease).;





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