Tag: Mayoral Succesion

  • Process and Precedent – Completing the Term(oil)

    All the talk and media coverage surrounding what the Mayor will or won’t do, and why he’s doing it is designed to sell papers more than inform. This thing has turned into something that more resembles a TMZ report than anything else, which is unfortunate because there is a real substantive story here, if only…

  • Dissecting Mayoral Resignation

    Today the Memphis City Council will vote to approve the minutes of the meeting from earlier in the month. This will officially declare a vacancy in the office of Mayor, if the minutes are approved, without an official letter of resignation. This legally tenuous footing is possibly made more tenuous by the way the charter…

  • City Council Meeting Tuesday, 7/21/2009 at 3:30

    Yes kids, that’s right, it’s time for another City Council Meeting. Even though I’m not in Memphis, I’ll be able to follow along with the fun via the intertubes (assuming the connection at this hotel in Jersey isn’t a piece of crap). I’ll be live tweeting the meeting on my twitter acct. Vibinc under the…

  • The Law of Unintended Consequences

    Yesterday, flying high on a series of events that have turned the possibility of a change in leadership at the City Mayor’s office for the first time since I left college into a possible reality, there was more political coverage, opinion, and conjecture floating around since I moved here over 5 years ago. Honestly, it…

  • Getting Played…UPDATEDx2

    UPDATE 2: The Memphis Daily News is reporting that Mayor Herenton is already packing boxes to vacate the Office of Mayor. UPDATE: As luck would have it, something more popped up while I was writing the post. Apparently an Election Commissioner, Brian J. Stephens, feels that scheduling a special election based on “hearsay, rumor and…

  • Drawing the Lines – Succession in Memphis

    If you’re not tired you’re not paying attention. Yesterday, Mayor Herenton issued a statement announcing his intention to delay his retirement until July 30th