Category: City of Memphis
It’s not all about you…
Protesting Shelby County’s COVID-19 rules isn’t solving the problem…its ignoring the shared responsibility. Its time to work together to get the number of infections down.
Spies, Like Us
Isn’t it funny how one little lie can turn into an ever expanding hole? That’s what Memphis Mayor Jim Strickland is finding out this week, after two “Weekly Updates” both misstate a Federal ruling against the city, and then try to exaggerate their case by making up hypotheticals that don’t even apply to the ruling.…
So you want to run for office…
City Elections are right around the corner. There are several open seats on the City Council, and several more that will feature unproven candidates. Maybe you’re thinking about running for office. Here’s a long, but totally incomplete rundown of all the things it takes to run. I’ve also got links for more resources scattered throughout.
What 2019 Holds for Memphis and Beyond…
What does 2019 hold for Memphis and Shelby County? Here’s s a look at some of the big things that are on the table this year.
An Open Letter to My City Councilman
Memphis City Councilman Worth Morgan wrote an open letter to his colleagues in the wake of their walkout. I have my own letter for the young Councilman.
Memphis Needs a New Charter Commission
12 years ago, Memphis elected a Charter Commission. Voters weighed in on ideas the City Council wouldn’t touch. As the city prepares to celebrate it’s bicentennial, its time for a new Charter Commission to drive the City forward.