Voting in Memphis

So, I got my vote on. Really, it was lighter than expected, there were about 4 people there (12:30). I don’t know if people in my precinct (16-01) tend to vote early or what, but there are about 3000 people in my precinct (Source) and 4 machines, even with a short ballot, doesn’t seem like a lot. There are probably a lot of early voters, realistically.

In any case, it was a breeze, took about 5 min. and it’s close enough to my house that I could walk home, which was nice in this unseasonable weather that we’re having.

Tonight I will grace the interwebs with my very own liveblogging of the results, and the results of the blowhards on the TV from the world famous P&H right here in Memphis, TN, between rounds of Trivia, and 12oz. curls (gotta keep my figure up ya know).

Enjoy yourselves tonight folks, and remember, if your candidate doesn’t win, you’ll have another chance in just 7 short days!






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