Two Events, One Perspective

I spent the day today getting ready to go see my brother and niece, and attending events around Memphis.

The first event was the Mid-Southerners for Choice Luncheon hosted by Planned Parenthood of Greater Memphis featuring Jeanne Richardson (HD-89).

It was an inspiring event, attended by people who firmly believe in protecting a women’s right to reproductive healthcare. Jeanne gave a great presentation and even brought up Rep. Karen Camper whose alias I will not reveal. Jeanne talked about SJR127 and the urgency of organization and action in the coming years.

Later in the day I went to the Shelby Co. Young Democrats Mixer at SOLE in the new Westin Hotel near the Forum. This was a well organized, well attended meet and greet. Lots of people I didnā€™t know and unfortunately, didnā€™t get to meet, thatā€™s how thick it was. Good on the organizers and the SCDP for organizing it.

What was missing? YOU WERE.

I donā€™t know all my readers, but I know a bunch of them, and I didnā€™t see all of you.

I know youā€™re out there, and I love you for reading, but Iā€™d love you more for being out there. Come join me at these events.

I’m taking a break for the weekend to see my family. The next few weeks are going to be pretty crazy around here with the special election looming and maybe as many as 40 candidates running for Mayor, a possible Metro Charter Commission, and the Senate 31 race, which will no doubt be interesting.

Rest up, we’re all gonna need it.


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