Tag: Iraq

  • It's Official, THEY LIED

    TPM is reporting that the Senate Intelligence committee has released their Phase II report on pre-war intelligence. The report confirms what has long been suspected by the “unpatriotic” liberal blogoshpere, that many of the assertions of the administration were not consistent with intelligence data. Here’s a sample from the Senator Jay Rockefeller’s press release: –Statements…

  • Senate Republicans Block Troop Funding

    In a show of brazen partisanship, Senate Republicans voted against cloture on HR 4156, a bill that provides emergency spending for troops deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan. The measure, which would provide $50 billion of additional funding, failed on cloture by a vote of 53-45. 4 Republicans, Collins and Snowe of Maine, Hagel of Nebraska,…

  • $3.5 Trillion

    As reported in the AP via Yahoo! The total cost of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq by 2017 could reach $3.5. If both occupations, because that’s what they are kiddies, not wars, last until 2017 someone’s getting an butt kicking. The report states that $1.6 trillion has already been spent on the actions (war…

  • Pelosi Gives Up

    As reported in The Hill, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has given up on legislation that would mandate the redeployment of troops from Iraq. The article, from an exchange on Sunday’s Fox News Sunday, says that voters want the war to end and had an expectation that Congress had that power. “You know we can’t without…

  • Move On’s Miscalculation

    Yesterday the Senate, in a show of brazen balllessness, condemned an ad by Move On. The now infamous “Betray Us” ad, a witty play on a general’s name stirred up more junk than it was effective. Somewhere in all that junk the message was lost, and any impact the ad may have had on the…

  • Blowback 'Mountin'

    I’m no big fan of Ron Paul, or his isolationist foreign policy ideals, but Representative Paul spouts some truth here, particularly around 3:30 where he starts talking about “blowback”. As far as I can tell, Ron Paul is the ONLY Republican voice of reason on our current situation in Iraq in the US House. Here…