Tag: Early Voting
Last Day of Early Voting
Today, Saturday, July 28th is the last day of early voting in the August 2nd election. So far, the Election Commission reports that just over 63,000 people have voted early (through Thursday). You too can be a member of this exclusive club (less than 12% of voters). There are 26 locations open today (Calvary Episcopal…
Early Voting – 27 Locations Open Today
Today all 27 Early Voting locations open in Shelby County. I’ll tell you where you can vote, and how many people have voted so far.
Why Change Now? – The Early Voting Saga Part II
The Election Commission is limiting Early voting this time around. But they haven’t given a solid answer as to why. Here are some possible reasons.
Playing Games with Early Voting
You may think, like some local media folks do, that the uproar about Early Voting for the August Shelby County General election was just another example of whining Democrats saying the sky is falling. You’d be wrong. There are a lot of good reasons for Democrats to be suspicious of the Election Commission…even under administrator…
Some notes on Early Voting numbers
Early voting is over and the numbers are in. The newspapers (here, here, and here) reporting that Early Voting turnout is a dismal 15% less than in 2010. The question they never even approach is why? Days before the first day of Early Voting at Satellite locations, Democratic Candidates Henri Brooks and Deidre Malone charged…