#MCS Following the Media – 1/25/11

Debate!, FORUM, lively discussion… Whatever you want to call it, it happened last night, right before the State of the Union Address, which made for a whole night of politics.

I wasn’t able to sit down and listen to the whole thing. Life intervened. If you missed it too, you can watch it here.

Based on the snippets I heard walking in and out of the room, there wasn’t any real ground breaking or earth shattering new information. I’ll watch the thing today in preparation for the WMC debate tonight from 7-8 featuring Tomeka Hart and David Pickler.

There’s also a forum featuring City Councilman Jim Strickland, County Commissioner Melvin Burgess, and MCS Board member Jeff Warren, to he held at Snowden School on Thursday.

These are just the most publicized of a whole bunch of community meetings about the MCS situation that are happening all over the City, and will likely continue through election day.

Who knows? Maybe this is just the kind of thing we needed to get us all talking to each other again. Since I moved here in ’04 I’ve seen pockets of neighborhood involvement, but nothing particularly widespread. Maybe the upside of all this is that will foster that kind of long-term dialogue.

In the mean time, I’ll be working on a post about the debate last night itself, with hopes of getting it out this afternoon.

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