It’s been a long time y’all. I would say I’m not going to make any excuses, but that’s a bold faced lie. Truth of the matter is, there’s a lot going on in my world. So, now that the sun actually comes up before me, and I have some time to talk about what I’ve been up to, I guess I’ll take that opportunity.
First of all, as many loyal readers know, I’m in my second month of college. I’m really enjoying much more than I did the first time around some 18 years ago. That said, it’s a huge time commitment. I knew that it would be, but honestly, right now I can’t imagine taking more hours than I’m taking now and working the schedule I’m working. I just don’t know how some people do it, and I’m in awe of the ones that try, successful or not.
Things are going well, as far as I can tell. I got my first paper back in Philosophy and did better than I expected. I have some tests coming up, which is heightening my anxiety level a bit, but that’s mostly “first time” jitters, I think.
Spring Break is just around the corner, and instead of heading down to Daytona or Padre Island, I’ll be working my ass off here in Memphis trying to keep my finances from going further down the drain. It seems that even though I’m a non-traditional student, I made too much money last year to qualify for anything but student loans, which I’m not too keen about taking out. I have a feeling that in the coming months, my objections to this will fade as my financial outlook gets more challenging.
Secondly, if you haven’t heard already, I have undertaken a new project with some friends. I’m really proud of it. Take a look around over there and if you like it, follow us on the Twitter, or the Facebook, or just subscribe to our feed.
I’m not abandoning this little enterprise, though it may seem like I am. I will still write some hyper local and technical stuff here, as well as some personal stuff as time permits and issues warrant.
Finally, I want to take this opportunity to mark a milestone. Six months ago, at Jackson Day in Nashville I ran into someone that I had met before on a few occasions. Since then, she and I have been spending a lot of time together and I couldn’t be happier.
I love you Ellyn, here’s to the past six months, and many more months and years together in the future.
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