Category: Puke

  • Giving thanks despite a mostly shitty 2020

    Giving thanks despite a mostly shitty 2020

    2020 has been a real piece of shit year. But despite all the pain this trip around the sun has doled out, there’s still some things to be thankful for.

  • Tea Party 2.0

    Tea Party 2.0

    Two huge political piggy banks are trying to build a Tea Party 2.0 to restart the economy. If they’re successful, a lot of people will die for no reason.

  • Anxiety and Mythologies

    Anxiety and Mythologies

    As anxiety builds, societal norms are shattered, and the once strong mythology of America is crumbling away, what are Americans to do?

  • Thanks Obama!

    Thanks Obama!

    Next week, our country will inaugurate its 45th President.  While that event is both sad and terrifying, hopefully the next four years will show us just how good we’ve had it the past eight, so some crazy shit like this doesn’t happen again for a really long time. I don’t know about you, but I’m…

  • Hope for the New Year

    Hope for the New Year

    Tomorrow is a new year, and as far as I’m concerned, the door can smack 2016 in the ass on its way out.

  • Vive la Résistance!

    Vive la Résistance!

    I read interesting stories about more things than I could possibly write in a day, a week, or a year. So rather than try and write about all of them, here’s some stuff to know going into the weekend.