Category: Puke
Grief and Blamestorming
We’re in the second day of post-Presidential election America. I’m not sure how you dealt with day 1, but after a day of hearing triumphant Trump supporters in close proximity, I was emotionally and physically drained. We ate pizza we shouldn’t have (for a multitude of reasons) and turned in about 2 hours earlier than…
I’m a sports fan. But I don’t talk about it much. I may have an opinion on what a coach does, but quite frankly, I usually don’t have enough of a foundation in sports to feel confident talking about it. I understand this doesn’t stop most people. So yesterday on the Gary Parrish show I…
Political Haiku for the week of 4/12/13
One of the things almost everyone mentioned in my reader survey is the lack of haiku on the blog. With that in mind, here’s the first installment, of what I hope to make a weekly series… Political Haiku of the Week! Campfield runs from child, On his way to his latest loss, What a punk…
Why Costas Was Wrong
First of all, I think it was pretty courageous of Bob Costas to take on a controversial issue like gun control in the middle of a football game, and just hours after Jovan Belcher killed his girlfriend and then himself. Surely he knew what he was getting into. Unfortunately, I feel like Costas missed the…
My (Continuing) Battle With Smoking
I remember exactly when I decided to start smoking. I was in Jr. High. A lot of the kids that I went to school with smoked. I was the new kid. I didn’t really know many folks. I wanted to fit in. It was an easy way to immediately have something in common with the…
The Hangover
With the August 2012 elections behind us, and my campaign completed, I’m finding myself wondering what to do with all this spare time that, just a week ago, was completely consumed in the final preparations for election day. This is common for all kinds of people who put all of themselves into something. When I…