Tag: organizing

  • The Next SCDP

    I guess I’m one of those people. I never give up. No matter how messed up something is, no matter how ineffective, my default setting is…“it can be fixed”. This Saturday, the second part of the SCDP re-organization will happen. On March 26th over 350 faithful Democrats came out to begin the process by electing…

  • It’s Time for Action – Part 3

    This is part 3 of a three part post. Part 1 deals with gun issues, Part 2 deals with SJR127. This section is different. This section is about forcing accountability and ways to do that Accountability Defeats Barbarism or It’s the Accountability, Stupid There is no accountability in barbarism, and if some had it their…

  • DFA Training Memphis and Beyond

    I just finished training with Democracy for America here in Memphis. It was an awesome experience. I encourage everyone, if you want to work or volunteer on a campaign, or even if you’re just a political junkie like me to go to the training. The insight itself is instructive. A lot of those things that…

  • Building the Toolbox

    The TNDP launched a new site today. This is the second “refresh” of the party’s site since the election of Chip Forrester to the Chairmanship. The new site is built on a social networking platform that allows users to not only friend each other, but also other party organizations and groups throughout the state. Other…