Tag: media
To Cover, or Not To Cover – The Media’s 45 Problem
Threats against journalists are at an all time high, thanks to a President who sees them as the enemy. So how can the media cover THIS President in THIS environment? Here are some of my ideas
Size Matters and Alternative Facts
From Twitter wars to “alternative facts” this administration seems like they’ll do anything to prop up the ego of their supreme leader.
Horserace Politics and Determining the Track
Yesterday, after a long absence, our good friend and master map maker Polar Donkey resurfaced to point out the inadequacies of Alan Wade’s redistricting program. Those light spots you see in the map to your left. Those are precincts that aren’t included in Wade’s incomplete list. All in all there are about 15 of them.…
Following the Coverage
On Monday, the Memphis City School Board voted on a resolution that allows the voters of Memphis a choice…to merge, or stay seperate from the Shelby County Schools. I wrote about this issue before the vote here. Tonight, a special meeting of the MCS School Board will be held at 6pm to approve the minutes…
Pilots and Presidents
There’s a whole lot of buzz around the MSM and the interwebs about Wes Clark’s statements on Face the Nation yesterday. Here’s a clip from the show. Clark honored McCain’s service. As a former military man himself, it would be foolish to think he wouldn’t. Hell, I appreciate McCain’s military service and I wasn’t even…
Those Wacky Polls
The Iowa Caucuses are just a day away (thank God!), and the polls are flying out faster than you can say “likely caucuser”. Seems like every day I wake up to some blowhard on the TV quoting a new poll showing candidate X doing this or that or the other. This is followed by a…