Tag: go vote
Early Voting – Where Were the Young Voters?
A lot of ink has been spilled pondering the low turnout among young voters. There are plenty of reasons why young voters don’t turn out in local elections. Here are just a few.
Election Day – Go Vote!
The polls are open Shelby County. You’ve got 12 hours (7am to 7pm) to go get your vote on at your regular voting location. Don’t make an excuse. I’ll look at who participated then call you out personally and publicly when you write a whiny post on Facebook or a letter to the editor (people…
Day 1 Turnout and Super District Contests – #memvote
I voted yesterday. There were no lines, no waiting. All told I think it took about 5 minutes, 4 of which was getting the card to put in the voting machine. According to the Election Commission 2095 people voted yesterday at one of the 16 Early voting locations. That represents about .6% of the total…