Tag: facebook

  • Campaign Update: Just getting started

    It’s almost 5 am as I write this and I can honestly say I feel a new day coming. The birds outside are chirping and I’m beginning to feel a bit of a buzz about my campaign prospects. Of course, there’s still lots of work to be done. First, I have to find a campaign…

  • …Fair and Impartial Elections…

    The above screen capture was taken at 4:31pm, about 50 minutes after the start of the press conference at City Hall. There has been a great deal of controversy at the Shelby County Election Commission since Republicans took over the administration of the agency. In August, a problems in an election led to a lawsuit.…

  • Following the Coverage

    On Monday, the Memphis City School Board voted on a resolution that allows the voters of Memphis a choice…to merge, or stay seperate from the Shelby County Schools. I wrote about this issue before the vote here. Tonight, a special meeting of the MCS School Board will be held at 6pm to approve the minutes…

  • Happy to Oblige

    On Facebook Tuesday, Councilwoman Wanda Halbert reposted a note that she originally posted on August 18th. The note, entitled “The Truth Hurts” dealt with several things including the Metro Charter Resolution. At the end of the note, Councilwoman Halbert states: I may simply be interpreting the information I’ve read incorrectly (that’s usually not a problem…