Tag: action
Say you want a revolution….
As of this writing, which began at 4am, Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders has won the New Hampshire Democratic primary by nearly 22%. That’s a pretty big accomplishment for a campaign that was declared ‘too radical’ just a few months ago. And while I know that New Hampshire isn’t exactly ‘reflective of American diversity’ as so…
Populism alone won’t save Southern Democrats
Friday, the AP published an article pushing for more populism from Democratic candidates in Southern states to help revive the respective state party organizations. I agree that a more populist message would help motivate Democratic voters, and possibly move some swing voters our way, but the notion that populism alone is the answer is moronic.…
Over the course of the past several months I’ve been reading and thinking and reading and listening and thinking some more about stuff. I haven’t written much because, quite frankly, I haven’t had much to say and I’m growing more and more frustrated at not only the way things are but the manner in which…
It’s Time for Action – Part 3
This is part 3 of a three part post. Part 1 deals with gun issues, Part 2 deals with SJR127. This section is different. This section is about forcing accountability and ways to do that Accountability Defeats Barbarism or It’s the Accountability, Stupid There is no accountability in barbarism, and if some had it their…
It’s Time to Put in Some Work
Update:Email address links fixed. Sorry for the syntax error. Steffens over at LWC has made his case for wine to be sold in Grocery stores. I couldn’t agree with him more. Today, Red, White, and Food, an organization supporting the effort, put out a list of Senators and Representatives, and their position on the matter.…
It’s About the Effort
The past few days have been really exciting. About 20 Tennessee bloggers got together, led by Knoxville blogger R. Neal to work for a common goal: to Chip inraise funds for the TNDP and elections coming in 2010. Our expectations were low. We wanted to make a statement, but not overpromise and underdeliver. Tuesday, when…