The Shelby County Democratic Party announces it’s first “Meet and Greet” since the April Re-organization.
Friday, June 19, 2009 (that’s today people)
5:30pm to 7:30pm
Hattiloo Theatre
656 Marshall Ave.
Memphis, TN
Appetizers and Cash Bar
Suggested minimum contribution benefits S.C.D.P.
829-3377 or 830-3283
Host Committee:
Van Turner
Dave & Diane Cambron
Ron & Barbara Williams
Carla Stotts-Hills
Desi Franklin
Jonathan Cole
Carlos Bibbs
William Gillon
Adrienne Pakis-Gillon
Chris Taylor
Nancy Greenwalt
Cathy Hailey Kent
Will Kent
Willie Boddie
Nancy Kuhn
Mitzi Gatewood
Norma Lester
Jim & Jeannie Johnson
Come out and support your local Democratic Party!
Also join the new Facebook Group.
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