On Saturday, the SCDP will begin the process of reorganizing with its “Ward and Precinct” caucus at Airways Middle School, 2601 Ketchum. This is the first step in selecting a new Executive Committee and Chair for the SCDP.
Since the 2006 County re-organization, the SCDP has devolved from somewhat relevant organization, to a state of willful irrelevance at the hands of a well meaning, but largely absent chair, and a rabid factionalism that has further split the party into fiefdoms that are to be protected, rather than seeking common ground when possible to move the party forward.
This condition has led to the exit of individuals, both from the Executive Committee, and from any interest in rehabilitating the party. In the past 6 months I have heard, both personally, and through the grapevine, story after story of people who have given up on the SCDP, and any hope of ever turning it into a relevant part of the political structure in Shelby County, not to mention the state.
I’m not ready to give up on it, yet.
Tomorrow, we have the opportunity to have a say in the future of the county party. You don’t have to run to be a delegate for your voice to be heard, but you do have to show up if you want any say in the process.
Registration runs from 9-10:45 AM. At 11, we break out into precincts and elect delegates. The whole thing should be done by 1pm, which is good because I have to be on a plane at 2:40.
Come be a part of the solution, and help turn the SCDP into the party it SHOULD BE.
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