Getting His Oranges Confused #camporialaw

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Methinks someone is confused.

In an article published last night on the issue of the $1000 he asked for to debate Del Shores, State Sen. Stacey Campfield asserts:

Campfield said his request, which came in an exchange of messages with Shores, was simply to request a deposit to guarantee that his travel expenses would be paid.

“I’m not going to pay air fare to Texas and a hotel, then have the guy stiff me,” he said, adding the retainer request came when he understood the debate would be in Texas.

Unfortunately for Sen. Campfield, that’s not how it went down.

The Facebook message exchange that transpired between the Senator and Mr. Shores only mentions Texas in saying that’s where he grew up. Shores now lives in Hollywood. Shores also mentions a Texas charity that the proceeds of the debate might go to, but clearly indicates he wants to debate Campfield on his home turf, so how Texas even comes into the equation as a location is highly suspect.

But if Sen. Campfield knows that saying it was supposed to happen in Texas might fade some heat off of him, as Director Rawlins indicates in the Humphrey article, then he may feel it behooves him to make that assertion.

Unfortunately for him, there is a record, that he engaged in.

As posted in this note, Shores gives the details of the entire conversation with Campfield.




I would like to debate you Senator Stacey Campbell on your turf in your home state Tennessee. I will now announce the challenge publicly.

Topic: Homosexuality and the Bible.

We could charge and give the money to charity. I would choose The Trevor Project, The Matthew Shepard Foundation and Youth First Texas — because with bills like your’s gay children are being taught they are less than and NOT God’s children. They are killing themselves because of YOU and so-called Christian’s like you who perpetuate hate from pulpits and political stands. You can choose something like, oh, Focus On The Family. Or, just pocket it or give it to some rich Republican CEO.

Please contact my manager Michael Warwick to arrange the debate.
phone: 310 993 5524
fax: 310 997 3487

Del Shores

Stacey Campfield
Although it was you that brought up the bible not I, I will happily debate you. I require a $1000.00 retainer fee and all expenses covered. You can do with the rest all you want.

Del Ferd
Where are you located?

Del Ferd
And please tell me who to contact to arrange … looking forward to it. Del Shores

Stacey Campfield
Knoxville TN. I will debate you where ever you set up and pay my expences to go to (In advance).

Just let me know.

Del Ferd
I will check into Knoxville this week. No worries with $1000 and whatever other expenses. We’ll work out the details and agree on format and moderator(s). Looking forward to it. Del

about an hour ago
Del Ferd
Senator: Would I make the check out to you personally or do you need it to be made out to a company or other party? Let me know. I have a few ideas I’d like to run past you, venues and dates, as they come together. Thanks so much. Del Shores


Of course Campfield hasn’t responded. He knows he’s up the creek without a paddle.

The coverup is always worse than the crime Sen. Campfield. I suggest you admit your wrongdoing, and take your licks like a man before people start digging into other questions. They will. No telling what they might find.

In other news, Campfield’s bill made it out of committee.


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