I don’t talk about work much here on the blog, mostly because the majority of the events that I do don’t move me in any spiritual or intellectual way. Just like most of you, I go to work, and do the best I can to my ability even when I’m not particularly interested in the content of the event or the overall message.
Occasionally I get to do an event that is both intellectually and spiritually engaging. Last night was one of those occasions. Last night the National Civil Rights Museum held it’s annual Freedom Awards Banquet at the Convention Center Grand Ballroom. It was the culmination of a day full of events. I was fortunate enough to be working the event and it was an inspiring occasion.
The honorees were Vice-President Al Gore, Dianne Nash, and BB King.
All three of the honorees were entertaining and engaging, but the message of Dianne Nash has stuck with me more than anything anyone else had to say. Paraphrasing part of her message;
The oppressor and the oppressed are co-dependent. Until the oppressed rise up and challenge the supremacy of the oppressor, the oppressed are an active participant in the oppression.
Ms. Nash acknowledged that many people view this as blaming the victim, but I get where she’s coming from; We have no control of our destiny until we TAKE control. Until that happens, we are the victim of our own inaction.
Hopefully, in the coming days, the NCRM will post some of the video from the event, but in lieu of that, here is CA video coverage of some of the events leading up to the evening.
Video from The Commercial Appeal
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