Category: 2008 Presidentials

  • McCain Campaign Running Off the Tracks

    So, today makes day three of the McCain campaign driving the news cycle with a bunch of manufactured, irrelevant drama. I’m sure the students of Rove are basking in their own personal brilliance at their ability to take over the airwaves with their baseless drivel. The fake lipstick flap, sex ed ad, and the stunning…

  • Moving the Bar

    Since the end of the Republican National Convention, national poll after poll has shown John McCain with a growing lead. These numbers have left many, particularly those on the liberal blogs, in a state of shock. The worry expressed by many in the liberal blogoshpere has been met by cool confidence from the Obama campaign.…

  • The Flood

    The past couple of days have been a flood of analogies, metaphors and other devices that neither fully express my frustration, not illustrate the situation with the Presidential race as I see it. The Republicans spent the last week pulling every old tired rabbit out of their hat; liberal media, tax and spend, family values,…

  • Questioning Patriotism

    One theme that has reared its ugly head since the beginning of the Presidential cycle is that of questioning the patriotism of particular candidates. More often than not, the subject of this theme has been Democratic Presidential nominee, Barack Obama. The most recent example of this was brought forward by Senator Jim Inhofe (R –…

  • The Veep-Stakes Fiasco

    Ok, this is starting to irritate me. All the speculation, the wall to wall TV coverage, the waiting. I understand trying to dominate news cycles, but this is bordering on stupid. Technically, it’s not Obama’s fault. He’s just using the media’s flaws to his advantage. This is really a good thing. One has to wonder…

  • Contrasting the Tax Plans

    Talking Points Memo has some interesting coverage on the differences between the McCain and Obama tax plans. Watch the video below then we’ll consider some numbers on the back side. The distributions that were used were obviously tailored to the CNN audience, but there are some things that should be noted in terms of households…