Tag: tort reform

  • Pennies from Haslam

    According to a poll released in January, Bill Haslam has a 68% approval rating in Tennessee. Elected as a moderate, the words out of the Governor’s mouth certainly don’t lead anyone to believe he’s a firebrand. Of course, word and deed are two different things. The truth is, Gov. Haslam’s positions further a system of…

  • 100 Days of Less than Little

    Yesterday, TN Gov. Bill Haslam celebrated his first 100 days in office with, what else, a snazzy press release. This first 100 has been busy folks, not so much for the Governor, who has been more than willing to sit idly by as the more firebrand members of his party run the state from the…

  • The “Anything But Jobs” Legislature

    There’s been a whole lot of stupid coming out of Nashville this year, but based on what bills are flowing through the General Assembly, we’ve only seen the appetizer. First on the list is Representative Debra Maggart. Following a line of Republican led disenfranchisement legislation, Maggart believes that your voter ID card, a document that…