Tag: TN legislature

  • Rocky Top Update

    The picture on the right is probably one of the best illustrations I’ve seen that describes the issue. You want pretty green mountains, scenic vistas that attract thousands of visitors that will sleep in our hotels, eat in our restaurants and shop in our stores, or do you want Tennessee to look like some post-apocalyptic…

  • Can You Still Sing Rocky Top,

    When All the Rocks on Top are Gone? That’s a question folks on the east side of Tennessee have been asking themselves for a long long time. While surface mining may not dominate the landscape as it does in Kentucky and West Virginia, there are a few sites here, and the potential for quite a…

  • Republicans Strike Out Against Ronnie’s Idea of Freedom

    “Where Free Unions and Collective Bargaining are Forbidden, Freedom is Lost. Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction.” – Ronald Reagan Republicans in Tennessee are trying to ensure we lose as much freedom, as defined by conservative icon Ronald Reagan, as possible. Their method, ending the very thing that Reagan himself said…

  • Shenanigans in the State House

    My internet died right about 11:30am yesterday, so I didn’t get to see the streaming coverage of the bloodless coup in the TN State House. The written reports were plenty descriptive for me, and the Republican response was, well, priceless! For those of you living under a rock, or nowhere near a Republican, the TN…

  • Automatic for the People

    The TN State legislature debuted a new website today. The CA has the story. I haven’t had the chance to check it out fully, but if it does all that it says it does it’s a huge boon for the people of Tennessee and the cause of transparency in general. One of my chief complaints…