Tag: Tennessee

  • Why Would Anyone Want to Teach in Tennessee?

    Track HB 740 here This is a question I keep asking myself as bill after bill slides right through the state legislature. Last year it was the right to have a seat at the table when negotiating salary, class sizes, and all sorts of other things. This year its tenure and perhaps most egregious, payment…

  • $15,000,000 For Fewer Than 900 People a Year

    For as long as I can remember, Republicans have been kicking and screaming about the “DEATH TAX”, also known as the inheritance or estate tax. The estate tax is one of those taxes you hear about a lot, but probably won’t ever have to pay, unless your family is fabulously wealthy. Even then, there are…

  • Good Luck Elizabeth Warren

    I know I’ve been writing about the importance of local elections lately, despite appearances, this post is no different. No, Elizabeth Warren isn’t running against Bob Corker, she’s running against Scott Brown, or whomever gets the Republican nomination in Massachusetts, assuming, of course, that she gets the Democratic nomination in the state. I won’t be…

  • 100 Days of Less than Little

    Yesterday, TN Gov. Bill Haslam celebrated his first 100 days in office with, what else, a snazzy press release. This first 100 has been busy folks, not so much for the Governor, who has been more than willing to sit idly by as the more firebrand members of his party run the state from the…

  • Rocky Top Update

    The picture on the right is probably one of the best illustrations I’ve seen that describes the issue. You want pretty green mountains, scenic vistas that attract thousands of visitors that will sleep in our hotels, eat in our restaurants and shop in our stores, or do you want Tennessee to look like some post-apocalyptic…

  • Can You Still Sing Rocky Top,

    When All the Rocks on Top are Gone? That’s a question folks on the east side of Tennessee have been asking themselves for a long long time. While surface mining may not dominate the landscape as it does in Kentucky and West Virginia, there are a few sites here, and the potential for quite a…