Tag: tax rate
Face hates nose…AKA the continuing saga of the #membudget
Noses are funny. Often the most noticed facial feature…next to the eyes, noses are also one of the most complained about things people have on their face. My nose, is what I affectionately call a “3 finger nose”…meaning, from my face to the tip is three fingers long. You can see it below. Noses, such…
Who’s driving this bus?
Memphis budget back and forth raises questions about long-term plans, vision for the City among other things If you’re not confused you’re not paying attention. To be honest, I’ve been on vacation for a week, and doing everything I can to not pay attention, but the events of yesterday’s Memphis City Council meeting snapped me…
Why Your Property Tax Rate WILL Increase
And why that’s not such a big deal really Its budget time again. A time of wrangling and posturing about spending and tax rates and the “appropriate role of government”. In City Hall, the County Commission, and most importantly, the school board, politicians will be putting together numbers for the upcoming year. The schools budget…