Tag: Stimulus
It’s not all about you…
Protesting Shelby County’s COVID-19 rules isn’t solving the problem…its ignoring the shared responsibility. Its time to work together to get the number of infections down.
Doing Nothing is an Act of Aggression
Yesterday the Senate passed it’s version of the Economic Stimulus bill. The passage came after over a week of debate, and a great deal of arm-twisting. Now the measure goes to a conference committee to resolve the differences between the House and Senate versions. While passage in the Senate is a positive step, the differences…
Out of Touch
You’re out of touch, I’m out of time – Hall and Oats Yesterday, the US unemployment rate reached its highest level since 1992. 600,000 jobs were reported lost in the previous month. There has been no significant job creation since January of 2007. We’ve experienced two years of stagnant or increasing unemployment. (Source) The reality…
What First 100 Days?
In my experience, the honeymoon never lasts as long as it should. I’m sure President Obama feels the same way right about now. Just 14 days in office and the Right Wing Chatterbox has taken over the airwaves in opposition to a stimulus package that is intended to help our damaged economy recover from the…
That Sound You Hear is a Waaahmbulance
Pronounced (WHAM-bewwww-Lance) Last week I was getting annoyed at the unrelenting Republican bashing of the stimulus package, now I just find it pathetic. They really don’t have anything else to hold on to do they? I mean, this is it. It’s tragic when a well-crafted mythology falls apart. Not so much for the society at…
The Audacity of Rush
So Rush has this Op-Ed in the WSJ detailing HIS plan for a bailout. The long and the short of it is that Rush wants to split the money up along the lines of the Presidential election results…54-46. That works out to $486b for infrastructure, and $414b for tax cuts (Rush, as usual, uses a…