Tag: Sharon Webb

  • District 6 and 7 Contests – #memvote

    Districts 6 and 7 make up the western edge of Memphis, 6 in the south, and 7 in the north. They were two of the smallest districts population wise coming in to redistricting, and as a result had some of the most radical changes made to their districts. They are, however, very different. One is…

  • Memphis Mayoral Debate Round 1 – Reflections

    Tonight marked the first debate for the office of Mayor of Memphis. This was, quite simply 90 minutes of some of the most bizarre TV ever. The candidates present were required to have filed their petitions, which cut the field to nine. The candidates present were; Charles Carpenter, Carol Chumney, Wanda Halbert, Robert “Mongo” Hodges,…

  • Meet The Candidates – Memphis Mayor Special Election

    The date’s been set, and even though the filing deadline is over a month away, some 10 candidates have declared their interest to run. Due to the abbreviated nature of the campaign, learning about the candidates for Mayor of Memphis is probably going to be a cram fest. In an effort to help people find…