Tag: process

  • Defining the Residency Process

    On Monday, the effort to determine if County Commissioner Henri Brooks does indeed live in her district will come before the County Commission again. This time will be different, as the Commission will have to begin the process anew in the wake of a completely expected and predictable ruling by Chancellor Kenny Armstrong. Reports of…

  • Ethics v. Stacey Campfield #camporialaw

    It’s been a few weeks since my last post on the $1000 State Sen. Stacey Campfield tried to squeeze out of entertainer and author Del Shores for the luxury of debating Campfield on his Don’t Say Gay bill. In that time, the bill has moved through the State Senate and is scheduled for a vote…

  • Mr. Ross goes to City Hall

    So yesterday, I spoke to City Hall about the redistricting ordinance. I thought about doing a lot of things like showing up with 9 petitions and asking which ones applied to me, bringing a horde of people as “supporters”, all kinds of theatrical stuff. In the end I decided against it for a couple of…

  • Marbles

    Over the course of the past several months I’ve been reading and thinking and reading and listening and thinking some more about stuff. I haven’t written much because, quite frankly, I haven’t had much to say and I’m growing more and more frustrated at not only the way things are but the manner in which…

  • Process and Precedent – Completing the Term(oil)

    All the talk and media coverage surrounding what the Mayor will or won’t do, and why he’s doing it is designed to sell papers more than inform. This thing has turned into something that more resembles a TMZ report than anything else, which is unfortunate because there is a real substantive story here, if only…

  • The Law of Unintended Consequences

    Yesterday, flying high on a series of events that have turned the possibility of a change in leadership at the City Mayor’s office for the first time since I left college into a possible reality, there was more political coverage, opinion, and conjecture floating around since I moved here over 5 years ago. Honestly, it…