Tag: Mythology

  • Anxiety and Mythologies

    Anxiety and Mythologies

    As anxiety builds, societal norms are shattered, and the once strong mythology of America is crumbling away, what are Americans to do?

  • What did I mean by ‘value’?

    At the end of my last post I talked about value. Specifically I said: In the mean time, the Council needs to think long and hard about their ideas of revenue, expenditures, long-term liabilities, rate and most importantly, value. …phrases used in this and previous budget negotiations are empty political rhetoric unless they include specific…

  • The Value of Work

    Over the past several days I’ve been writing about Gov. Haslam’s decision on Medicaid expansion. While this has been going on, a bill, supported by the Governor, has been steamrolling its way through the state legislature. A bill that would further shift power away from workers and workplace protections by creating new hurdles for people…

  • That Sound You Hear is a Waaahmbulance

    Pronounced (WHAM-bewwww-Lance) Last week I was getting annoyed at the unrelenting Republican bashing of the stimulus package, now I just find it pathetic. They really don’t have anything else to hold on to do they? I mean, this is it. It’s tragic when a well-crafted mythology falls apart. Not so much for the society at…