Tag: Memphis Charter Commission

  • Process and Precedent – Completing the Term(oil)

    All the talk and media coverage surrounding what the Mayor will or won’t do, and why he’s doing it is designed to sell papers more than inform. This thing has turned into something that more resembles a TMZ report than anything else, which is unfortunate because there is a real substantive story here, if only…

  • Dissecting Mayoral Resignation

    Today the Memphis City Council will vote to approve the minutes of the meeting from earlier in the month. This will officially declare a vacancy in the office of Mayor, if the minutes are approved, without an official letter of resignation. This legally tenuous footing is possibly made more tenuous by the way the charter…

  • Changing the Charter – Updated

    Update: New information about Instant Run-off Voting below that section… Last night, the Memphis Charter Commission wrapped up it’s business before the November 4th election. The Commission is proposing 6 changes on a range of topics. If you want to read the specific language that was adopted, go to the ChangeMemphis site and click on…