Tag: John Boehner

  • Win, Lose or Draw – State of the Nation, 2013

    This is part 1 in a series of 3 posts that will look at who came out ahead, who came out behind, and who didn’t move an inch in the past 12 months. As with all these type lists, they are both subjective and incomplete, so make any additions/corrections in the comments. Thanks and have…

  • Would Boehner break the “Hastert Rule” to avoid a shutdown?

    At the time of this writing we’re right around 8 hours away from a government shutdown. The Senate was back in session to address the bill passed by the House over the weekend. The House bill delays, rather than defunds the Affordable Care Act for a year. The Senate tabled the motion, meaning that their…

  • Not learning from history…

    My Countdown If there’s one thing the House GOP leadership is good at doing, its creating a crisis where none should exist. The current ploy is to defund or delay the implementation of the Affordable Care act in exchange for avoiding a government shutdown. This, of course, is a non-starter with the President and the…

  • Schadenfreude: Fiscal Cliff Edition

    schadenfreude: pleasure derived by someone from another person’s misfortune. So I know just about everyone is talking about the NRA’s crazy town response to the Newtown shootings. I think all that needs to be said about the speech delivered Friday is nicely summed up here. Quite frankly, I’m shocked that anyone was shocked by that…

  • Much is required

    I don’t normally write about national issues, but this fiscal cliff thing is one particularly dumb set of concern trolling on the part of the national media so it seems like a prime target. Its dumb because as the Wonk Blog explains this is anything but a cliff. It’s a slope at best. A slope…