Tag: Heidi Shafer
Mulroy on CCHS and Title X – The skeptics were right
Well, that’s not exactly what he said on Fox13 News at 10pm on Friday…his actual words don’t fit into the headline, so I paraphrased. Mid-South News, Weather, Traffic and Sports | FOX13 What does Title X funding do? Here’s a synopsis from a previous post: Title X family planning funds seek to help women and…
About That Motion to Intervene…
Yesterday, the Commercial Appeal published an article about my decision to wade into the County redistricting issue. The decision wasn’t a difficult one. Ultimately, this comes down to the way we are represented in our County government, and the inability of that County government to do something that is, at best, an administrative task. To…
Compromise and Discourse in Redistricting
If you’ve been watching the news or reading the newspaper, you’ve probably seen a story or 12 about redistricting. Federal, State and Local levels of government are in the process of doing that very thing here in Tennessee. The photo to the left is House Minority Leader Craig Fitzhugh and Caucus Chair Mike Turner. Both…