Tag: Get Involved
The Caucus is the first step to rebuild the party
Today, the Shelby County Democratic Party will begin the process of selecting new leadership for the next two years at its Ward and Precinct Caucus. For the first time since 2007, I won’t be there. Truth be told, I haven’t been directly involved with the County Party since I resigned my post back in January…
Getting Involved is Easy, If You Let It
You may think that City government, or County government, or even state government doesn’t matter. You may think that it’s too hard to keep up with what’s going on locally. While the local news of the day may not be splashed across the first five minutes of the national news, or on the 24 hr…
TNDP Chair Election – Moving Forward
Ed Note: Earlier this morning Democratic Representative Gabrielle Giffords – AZ and as many as twelve others were shot in front of a Safeway grocery store in Tuscon. As of this writing at least five have died as a result of their injuries. The status of Rep. Giffords is unknown. Giffords regularly held public events…