Tag: funding

  • School budget presentation for Livable Memphis

    Over the weekend, I was honored to give a presentation on school funding for Livable Memphis at Rhodes College. Since the we don’t have a budget for the upcoming year yet, even though we’re just 60 days out, I talked about the budget from last year, and hoped to give a little insight as to…

  • Why Does Whalum Choose to Stretch the Truth?

    You can’t always pick your messenger, and folks who maybe aren’t so interested in resolving an issue are more interesting on TV than folks who, you know, want to see school start on time and all, but it amazes me that our media is so lilly livered that they can’t even call someone out on…

  • Manufactured Crisis

    “What we have here is a failure to communicate”, as the line goes from the movie Cool Hand Luke. But what Memphis has seen since Monday is not a failure of communication, but an unwillingness to communicate in any venue other than in front of the cameras. What started on Monday as a demand for…

  • Senate Republicans Block Troop Funding

    In a show of brazen partisanship, Senate Republicans voted against cloture on HR 4156, a bill that provides emergency spending for troops deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan. The measure, which would provide $50 billion of additional funding, failed on cloture by a vote of 53-45. 4 Republicans, Collins and Snowe of Maine, Hagel of Nebraska,…