Tag: Electoral College

  • Cohen’s Constitutional Amendments

    Cohen’s Constitutional Amendments

    Rep. Steve Cohen has introduced a Constitutional Amendment that would abolish the Electoral College. This caused the Shelby County GOP to firmly clutch its pearls. Why is this amendment important and what are its chances for passage?

  • Movements and Moonshots

    Movements and Moonshots

    As I noted in my last post the blamestorm made it to Category 5 in record time this year. I think its fair to say that this will continue for a while. That’s not what this post is. See, I’ve written my fair share of denunciations of Democratic Party establishments, from the now defunct SCDP…

  • Local Elections Matter

    Who’s got two thumbs and should scare the ever loving fool out of you no matter what your political persuasion? Yep, that guy, Lt. Gov. Ron Ramsey. It’s not because he’s all powerful…he’s not, but that the power he wields is disproportionate to the number of people who voted for him. See, if you want…

  • Fixing the Presidential Primary System – Part 3

    In the last two posts I’ve concentrated on the current proposals to remedy the problems with the Presidential Nominating process and the potential legal and constitutional challenges of implementing such remedies nationally. At the end of my last post I promised to include my solution. Since that time, Senator Bill Nelson (D-FL) introduced a constitutional…

  • Bill Nelson vs. Electoral College

    I swear, I’m liking Bill Nelson (D-FL) more and more every day. This afternoon he introduced a constitutional amendment that would abolish the electoral college. Thank you Bill! The reality is that there is little hope that such an amendment would pass since the Electoral College gives the 30 odd states with 9 or less…

  • More Math on the Electoral College

    Yesterday, WTL posted about North Carolina potentially splitting it’s Electoral College vote by districts. As I wrote a couple of days ago, a national movement on this front would ensure that NO DEMOCRATIC PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE would win in the foreseeable future. The idea of splitting a state’s EC vote is quaint, but still ignores the…