Tag: corruption
U of M College Democrats address Gov. Haslam leadership crisis
The following is an editorial penned by the University of Memphis College Democrats. It is published here in its entirety. — BATTLING BILL’S BOONDOGGLE(S) Tennesseans face a leadership crisis due to the self-serving mismanagement of our state by Governor Bill Haslam. So far, during his more than three years in office, Governor Haslam has abused…
Stephen Fincher (TN08) named one of DC’s “Most Corrupt”
When you think of corruption in Washington DC a freshman Representative from a rural district isn’t the first person that comes to mind, or at least, that’s not the archetype that we’ve come to expect. But that doesn’t mean that it can’t happen, or that it doesn’t happen. Well, it happened folks, and sooner than…
Good Government is a Partnership, Not an Entitlement
First, some definitions: Partnership: An association of people working together for common goals and aims for their benefit. Entitlement: A belief that one has a right to something with minimal or no contribution. — One persistent complaint that I hear about Memphis, from people who mostly live outside the city, is that the whole place…
Is Memphis Ready For Another Indictment?
I’m not saying it will happen, or that anyone’s guilty, or anything like that. To be sure, I don’t know enough of the facts surrounding the Mayor’s personal and professional doings to speak intelligently on the matter. I am pretty sure that Memphis isn’t ready for another indictment. The Feds here in Memphis have a…