Tag: City of Memphis

  • So you want to run for office…

    So you want to run for office…

    City Elections are right around the corner. There are several open seats on the City Council, and several more that will feature unproven candidates. Maybe you’re thinking about running for office. Here’s a long, but totally incomplete rundown of all the things it takes to run. I’ve also got links for more resources scattered throughout.

  • Spying on the Changemakers

    Spying on the Changemakers

    The Memphis Police Department is headed to court for spying on local activists. How much “spying” on peaceful activists is “right” for Memphis? Is any?

  • Rent-Seeker


    The plan to charge rent for Memphis owned school buildings will most certainly result in some kind of legal action, which raises questions about the origins of the idea, and who it might benefit most.

  • Profiles in Cowardice

    Backing off his support of the CLERB isn’t the first time the Mayor lost his backbone at the last second Monday, the Memphis City Council met with key stakeholders to finalize a draft ordinance that would give additional oversight of the Memphis Police Department. The Citizen Law Enforcement Review Board, an entity that has existed…

  • More on the Memphis Voter ID Challenge

    From WMCTV. Action News 5 – Memphis, Tennessee

  • Getting Involved is Easy, If You Let It

    You may think that City government, or County government, or even state government doesn’t matter. You may think that it’s too hard to keep up with what’s going on locally. While the local news of the day may not be splashed across the first five minutes of the national news, or on the 24 hr…