Tag: Budget
‘Bangers, Budgets and Bosses…a week in Memphis
So it was kind of a weird week in Memphis. That’s not unusual I guess, but the way things worked out leaves a couple of bad tastes in my mouth…so, I’ve taken to writing aging for now. ‘Bangers Open carry is one of those things the NRA and groups like it have been pushing just…
Face hates nose…AKA the continuing saga of the #membudget
Noses are funny. Often the most noticed facial feature…next to the eyes, noses are also one of the most complained about things people have on their face. My nose, is what I affectionately call a “3 finger nose”…meaning, from my face to the tip is three fingers long. You can see it below. Noses, such…
What did I mean by ‘value’?
At the end of my last post I talked about value. Specifically I said: In the mean time, the Council needs to think long and hard about their ideas of revenue, expenditures, long-term liabilities, rate and most importantly, value. …phrases used in this and previous budget negotiations are empty political rhetoric unless they include specific…
cRAAM Session
Yesterday was a pretty huge day, and I’m not talking about the massive CNN fail regarding an arrest in the Boston bombing case. Nope, I’m talking about right here in Tennessee. Here’s what Senator Jim Kyle had to say about the Ram-it-through budget session yesterday. Gramatical errors in the heat of battle, and on twitter…
Dogs and Ponies and Fundraisers, Oh My!
Yesterday, the State Government put out a release about the Governor’s budget tour. Here’s a sample: Tennessee Gov. Bill Haslam today announced that portions of the Fiscal Year 2012-2013 budget hearings will take place outside of Nashville so that citizens in East and West Tennessee have an opportunity to attend. Hearings will be held in…
Nashville’s Done, Where Are We?
With all that’s been going on in Memphis; ridiculous rains, the Grizzlies, the schools saga, and the impending budget battle, as well as life generally; Easter, the end of a semester, work, multiple projects, not to mention all the shenanigans going on in Nashville, I kidna forgot about the fact that the Memphis City Council…