Tag: Amy Weirich
Where is the Justice?
Another person has filed a complaint against Shelby County District Attorney General Amy Weirich for hiding evidence in a trial. How many more violations are hiding in plain sight?
Cameras are only part of the solution
16 shots. Chicago police released the video this week, after a year of legal wrangling, of the police shooting of Laquan McDonald. Over a year since the incident, the officer is facing first degree murder charges. According to police accounts, McDonald was a suspect in some auto burglaries in the area. The police also say…
Stupid, stupid, stupid
One of the things about working the 3rd shift, is that you’re often greeted with tomorrow’s news today…or at least the news most people didn’t see before they decided to disconnect from the constant influx of news items, large and small, that we’ve come to accept. So it was with both surprise and resignation that…
The “stunt” and the forgotten client
Update: Magistrate Hal Horne has issued recommendations regarding the contempt charges. He says “…Mr. Brown was attempting to provoke a riot in the courtroom which was filled with over 70 citizens….”. First of all, Brown is a retired Judge. Maybe we should use his title. Secondly, listen to the audio again, and tell me if…
Reality Check: “Is crime really down” in Memphis? – Part 2
Tuesday, I sought to answer the question that many are asking…”Is crime really down in Memphis?”, like we’ve been hearing it is for the past few years. And at least for violent crime, the answer is no…its not down enough to call it a trend, though it is down from the 2006 high that is…
Reality Check: “Is crime really down” in Memphis?
For the past several years we’ve been hearing that “crime is down in Memphis”…and don’t we all feel safer? This assertion has been told by all kinds of folks in public life…elected officials, law enforcement, etc. and is more often than not…unchallenged, even though few people can tell that “crime is down” based on reporting…