• Whiny Assholes Not Content Being Rich, White

    Whiny Assholes Not Content Being Rich, White

    Times are tough for Melvin Smythe III. The fourth generation business owner says inflation and labor costs are eating into the 90% of profits he and his family take out of the business annually.  “We’re having to pay twice the minimum wage now”, said Melvin, “that means I’ll have to keep my 2022 Range Rover…

  • Whose Rights Are Being Violated? #TNLeg #GunsInParkingLots

    Being Lt. Gov. of Tennessee must be a pretty confusing gig. On the one hand, you’re the second in command, even though you have been elected by a tiny minority of Tennesseans, which would seem to call your “mandate” into question. But thanks to the easy compliance of a Governor who just won’t stand up…

  • Maddow on Tennessee’s “I’m Offended, Go to Jail” Bill

    Last night Rachel Maddow took on the highly subjective “I’m Offended, Go to Jail” bill, recently enacted by the state of Tennessee. The bill alters TCA§§ 39-17-308 which deals with harassment. The bill, HB0300 sponsored by Charles Curtiss of Sparta and Bill Ketron of Murfreesboro, changes existing code to include internet communications. While this may…