Tag: Richard Holden

  • Time for a change

    Another election, another election night with glitches. At this point, we don’t really know what caused the problems that marred election night 2015 in Memphis, but what we do know is that the Election Commission isn’t very good at doing elections. In nearly every election since 2012 there has been some problem. And while some,…

  • Seeking Truth – #VoteShelby

    Last night the Shelby County Election Commission met for their monthly meeting. Of course, there was a lot to discuss. In particular, the current election and challenges voters throughout Shelby County have been having receiving the correct ballots. The meeting itself wasn’t all that interesting…aside from a reported employee dispute that led to said employee…

  • More Details Election Commission Mistakes…Misstatements – #ShelbyVote

    Yesterday morning I noted the issues facing some voters in municipalities seeking to vote in school referenda. I also linked to several news reports detailing issues faced by voters. Last night, the Commercial Appeal reported that the issues had been resolved and all was well. Unfortunately, that is not exactly the case. A voter living…

  • Voting Problems Cast Doubt on the Process…Again

    Before I begin, I want to say there’s no question that elections in Shelby County are difficult. Lots of moving parts, with lawsuits, annexations, and all sorts of other issues. That caveat out of the way, just because something is hard, doesn’t mean we the citizens of Shelby County should be ok with consistent and…

  • A Little Resolution, A Lot of Cold Comfort – #voteshelby

    As I’ve noted in my last two posts, the business of the Shelby County Election Commission has been about as easy to pick through as high density, double reinforced concrete. There’s so little information available, and the information that is available is plain useless. So I decided to spend 3 hours of my day sitting…

  • Not Really Transparent

    The Election Commission has a big job on its hands, but claims of transparency are overstated You can usually tell something about an organization by the way it deals with crisis. Organizations that are truly open will do everything in their power to show just how open they are by inviting stakeholders, the media, and…